Civilian AI builds easy to use consumer sites that leverage the power of LLMs
The newest generation of generative AI tools like ChatGPT or BARD are amazingly powerful, but to the average internet user, are either toys or completely baffling.
Civilian AI aims to hide the complexity behind a controlled experience to solve for genuine and specific business use cases.
What We Do
Most people who have encountered generative AI tools have done so through their web front ends of, for example, ChatGPT. These capabilities are also being added to many tools such as e-mail editors to solve generalised problems (for example "write a concise and clear email").
Civilian AI uses a different approach. Our aim is to take the general capabilities of generative AI, and apply it to get very specific and constrained outcomes in a scenario where the same problem needs to be solved repetitively.
Here's an Example
An accommodation booking site wants to provide a short tourist itinerary for the city clients are booking in.
This is a client value add service, and the site also uses the results to drive traffic to their affiliates.
Traditionally this would rely on a database of itineraries which would need maintenance, and would cover a limited number of destinations.
Using an generative AI however, pre-trained on huge datasets, an itinerary could be generated for nearly any city, town or village worldwide, with NO underlying database (click here to see the concept in action).
The Civilian AI Difference
Civilian AI aims to deliver a specific and consistent "Engineered" return in response to pre-defined inputs. Using precise prompt-engineering and other techniques, we build a set of questions that give your users the experience they want, but the consistency and structure you need.
Freeform Return
Engineered Return
Work with Civilian AI
Simplify AI for your customers
Start with a chat
Not all problems are created equal. Generative AI is not suited to solving every problem, especially for legal, medical or other high risk topics, or where you need the most up to date information. Our initial engagement is all about understanding what you are hoping to achieve, and how (and if) we can deliver.
We think, we build, we enhance
Civilian AI will work with your team to understand the specifics of your unique business use case, iterate the solution design, then test and enhance until you have a solution to your problem. As part of this process we precision engineer the AI prompts, returning accurate results to your users, which are also SEO optimised if required.
We deliver
Our process delivers an API-accessible "black box brain" hosted on highly-scalable and robust cloud infrastructure. The brain in the black box remains the property of Civilian AI, making in simple for us to continuously maintain and service. You then focus on leveraging the power of AI without worrying about the technical complexities.
Contact Civilian AI